2020 — An unforgettable year

Jyoti Bali Sharma
4 min readDec 30, 2020


It’s an understatement to say 2020 has been a year like no other for mankind. A year that gave us numerous lessons in patience, empathy, perseverance, compassion, faith, resilience, humility, trust, awareness, purpose, clarity grief, beauty and life. Here are the 10 most important lessons I learnt in 2020-

  1. Don’t take anything for granted

In March 2020, suddenly we all found ourselves in an indefinite lockdown. We couldn’t go to work, meet our friends and family — our basic right to freedom was lost overnight. Things we took for granted like traveling, hugging a friend or impromptu get togethers were all passé. We will value those little magical moments that we took for granted much more from now on.

2. Health is wealth

It’s not how much you earn or how many possessions you have, it’s your health that is the real wealth. We were reminded that if health is lost everything is lost. Make your health a priority even after the pandemic is over.

3. Learn to spend time with yourself

For the first time in decades, We were left to spend quality time with ourselves. To rediscover ourselves and to find introspecting on the real meaning of life. Take daily moments to meditate and introspect!!

4. Turn to nature for healing

As indoor gatherings shut down many people discovered new found passions to explore nature and spend time outdoors. As a generation glued to the screens we had forgotten what it is like to watch a sunset or just gaze at the stars. Take time to appreciate the natural beauty around us. I captured this picture on my daily walks around the neighborhood with my daughter & my dog.

5. A growth mindset

From audible books, to podcasts to online courses. Many of us learnt new skills that we had put on the back burner or one-day-I-will bin. We learnt to carve out time to grow in this adversity. I discovered playing piano and mathematical patterns had a lot in common.

6. Take one day at a time

It’s human to make big future plans. From cancelled business trips to postponed vacations to zoom weddings. We all realized to take one day one hour at a time and do our best each day. Live in the present moment and savor every minute of it.

7. Be creative in adversity

We saw creative juices flowing as people figured out the new norm. Grandparents learning how to Zoom, Kids learning how to mute in a virtual classroom, Dads gaining a new appreciation for multi-tasking moms and stepping up to share childcare responsibilities. We all tried to chip in and make it work together!

8. Develop an attitude of gratitude

While many of us are struggling to keep afloat. We have a lot to be grateful for- for our family, for a roof on our head, for food on our table and for work to keep us busy. I ended each day with a grateful heart.

9. Don’t give up HOPE

There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is power in HOPE for a better future and coming out stronger than before from this tough year. Let’s keep our spirits and hopes high.

10. Every cloud has a silver lining

This year taught us to look for positive in every negative situation and look for the silver lining. After a storm comes a beautiful rainbow and we all need to look at 2021 with that optimistic view.

However, the most crucial lesson of all was to be a little extra kind as we are all fighting a battle. Empathy and kindness are much needed for our fellow humans who are all struggling to survive each and every day. Let’s show a little more love for people even those who you don’t see eye to eye on many topics. This is not the time to hash out our differences but to find strength in how much we all have in common.

The human race knows how to adapt and evolve and we will all come out stronger from this pandemic. We have learnt about strengths we didn’t know we had inside us. The impatient learnt Patience, takers learnt to give and always-on-the-go learnt to slow down.

Here’s wishing we will go into 2021 much stronger and with the ability to overcome any challenge life throws at us.

Happy New Year!!



Jyoti Bali Sharma

Mom of 2| Wife|PhD in EE| Engineer| Chair of IEEE WIE-North NJ| Adjunct Professor| Community Service