Behind every strong woman there is an even stronger mother

Jyoti Bali Sharma
2 min readMay 8, 2021


If there is one word that defines my mother it would be Resilient. When I’m in trouble the first person I want to call is my Mom. When I’m happy, the first person I call is my Mom and when I’m stuck in a pandemic I just want to call my Mom because she can put every situation in perspective. She’s gentle yet fierce. She’s loving yet tough. She’s caring yet independent.

My mom pursued a career as a teacher for 40 years in India. At home she was our teacher, philosopher and guide. She straddled the roles of a mother, wife and a career woman despite all the hurdles that came her way and I watched that as a young girl. Her message was simple and clear- Never give up on your goals!

Three lessons I learnt from my Mom-

1. Education is the most precious jewel- Being a teacher herself this came naturally to mother. She was not only a great teacher to her students but modeled the same qualities at home. She went back to school to do her Master’s in Political Science when I was a teenager. I was in awe of her dedication to learn and grow her skills. It wasn’t easy for her to juggle her job, 2. Kids and her school work. But, she followed her dreams and got her Masters degree. She kindled my passion to be a lifelong student.

2 Family is the most precious gift- If you ask any of my cousins who’s their favorite aunt- It would be most certainly my Mom. Being the youngest daughter in a family of seven siblings she has a special place in the family. During the pandemic I was amazed how she would check in on each and every member of the family spread across the globe. She inculcated in us to value the family relationships over differences.

3. Time is the most valuable asset- My mother does not waste time. She values her own and everyone’s time. Her calls are short and sweet yet she connects at the deepest levels with everyone. A woman of few words there is a lot more I have to learn from her in this area.

The pandemic has been tough on everyone and if there is one thing I really miss it is visiting my Mom in India. Here’s wishing my mother & all the mother’s out there a very Happy Mother’s Day. ❤️



Jyoti Bali Sharma

Mom of 2| Wife|PhD in EE| Engineer| Chair of IEEE WIE-North NJ| Adjunct Professor| Community Service